Current affiliation: Deparment of Anthropology, University of Colorado
Research description: As a primate ecologist I am interested in how habitat change affects the behavior and the
biology of African strepsirrhine primates. I focus on how primate populations directly
respond to forest degradation, fragmentation. Since 2003 my project on wild ring-tailed
lemurs studies how both immediate and long term environmental factors, such as
climate and anthropogenic change affect Malagasy primate behavior and biology. Since
2013 I have also been working South Africa's nocturnal primates, Otolemur
crassicaudatus and Galago moholi at Lajuma South Africa. This project focuses on the
health and conservation biology of these two species, including population and
conservation genetics and disease ecology. My research is extremely relevant to ongoing
work on the effects of climate and habitat change on the world’s endangered
animals and how primates adapt to such changes.